
Showing posts from November, 2012

Friday's Fences Number Five

Backyard fence at the best friend's house.  It's a sunset and a red fence which, along with raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, are a few of my favorite things.

Look back Wednesday #4

When I look at this picture I remember feeling......excited about the root beer and really tasty steak that we had that day. Yep, that's about it. Fat, happy and shallow, that was me. It was really great steak, though.

I've seen it raining fire in the sky.

Sometimes I stand outside, look up at the sky and wonder who else in the world is doing the same at that moment. Are they feeling lost too? Do they look up at the incredible creation that is the sky, the work of a sovereign God, and feel just a little bit of peace settle in their soul? No matter where I am, if I just hold still, breathe and look up at this sky, I feel that. Oh, the places that sky watches over. Oh the endless possibilities it holds.  The sky keeps me dreaming. The sky keeps grounded. It's my oldest friend. 

Found the black and white setting on my camera.


Look back Wednesday #3

Spanish moss near the National Infantry Museum just outside Fort Benning in Columbus, Georgia. Super cool place, it's huge and you could spend the whole day there and still not see it all. We got to fly to Georgia in December of 2010 for my Uncles graduation from Infantry Basic training. And I fell in love. Georgia felt like home in way Colorado never has. Weird, maybe but true. The trees and the people and the hills and it's got a coast! A coast, folks. WATERRRRRRR. Georgia is the place I wanna end up someday. Because that sounded sort of "final resting place" I'd like to state that I would prefer to dwell there aboveground.

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."

It's a little past veteran's day, but this is something that should be expressed all year round. To all who serve our country, past and present, thank you from the bottom of my heart. God bless you and your families.

Friday's Fences Number Four

Somewhere in Bailey. There is a nice fence back there, not prominent, but still sprawling along. There's just something I love about this picture beyond that, though. The coloring maybe. Anyway, I was messing around with all the settings on my cool new camera and the darkened edges one adds a neat feeling to it, I think.

Yes folks, that's my ocular.

Rather photogenic, is it not? Overlooking the fact that I have vampire-esque, baby-translucent pale skin syndrome, I really, really enjoy this picture. I took it at ThorntonFest, a festival Thornton has every year, (bet you couldn't have figured that one out on your own).While doing some self-reflecting and general woolgathering, I thought "Kodak moment!" Most of what I think are my best people pictures are self-portraits. Probably because I'm my most cooperative   victim, I mean subject. My other ones I have to bribe with candy. Such as this fellow. During the negotiations.

Friday's Fences Number Three

Neighborhood fence. Pretty yard. I thought the wagon wheels were a nice touch.

Field trip

I decided I'm going to take one time a week, just for an hour or so, to go out and snap as many pictures as I can. Go somewhere I haven't been in a while, whether it's the park across the street or the ponds on the way to the library and just wander and photograph anything and everything I want without trying to achieve perfection. Let this thing I love be something enjoyable again. Some fruit of my first excursion.          

Look back Wednesday #2

Looking at this picture, I can taste freedom. I had just gotten my license, and decided to take the long way home, and found this dirt road that crests hill and then opens up to fields that stretch straight to the mountains. The snow made everything bright and fresh and it was gorgeous. This wasn't too long ago but long enough that I can look back with sweet remembrance of those long drives I used to take, before life took over and my income was far from steady and gas was much too precious to use on silly jaunts.

Man, I love Gunther Toody's.

Gunther Toody's is a 50's themed diner and I don't know if they're just in CO or if you've got them other places but they are super cool. Walls covered in old posters and pictures and slammin' cheese fries. Well, the fries aren't covering the walls, they come on plates. Still, slammin', nonetheless. And toe-tappin, finger-snappin' music. In short, Gunther Toody's is the cat's pajamas. And I like this sign.

Fridays Fences Number Two

Ranch outside of Bailey. It was lovely and picturesque and there were cows . The total package.