(Not Exactly)Wordless Wednesday
On the way to El Paso to visit my Uncle, we stopped in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico for and mostly so I could take a picture of the sign. I was curios as to what where the name for this town came from so I searched the magical whirlpool of knowledge otherwise known as the internet to find. It was originally called Hot Springs because of, you guessed it, the hot springs there. Then in 1951 a host of a well-known game show offered to do the show from a town that would change their name to that of the game show, as a promotional gimmick thingy-ma-jig. The higher-ups in the New Mexico State system thought the change would be good not only for the national publicity the town would gain, but it would also cease being confused with the many other towns named Hot Springs. The citizens voted to approve the change and thus Truth or Consequences came to be. The host, Ralph Edwards stayed true to his word and continued to visit the town, bringing it more publicity with his celebrity status. I thought the origin of Truth or Consequences would be some rootin', tootin', guns-a-blazin' tale of the Wild West, but nope, they named it after a game show.
*The information in this post was found on http://www.newmexicohistory.org/filedetails.php?fileID=1203
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